Man, my life really is that boring...
I had no idea until I started doing this blogging stuff just how boring I am. I mean, really, I work, I do school, I smoke cigars and I do karate. My kids are wonderful, but I know enough to know that stories of my kids are seriously going to lose something in the translation to print.
Hmmmm, something not boring...we're getting ready to start building a deck...nope, that's boring.
Let's see...maybe I'll start looking for really deep, meaningful stories to, no.
The World Cup Final is this weekend! We're going to have a party, if you're not into soccer, just skip this paragraph. Italy is playing France...go Italia! I bought a CAO Italia cigar today to smoke after Italy wins on Sunday. I've decided to start a new tradition, I'm going to pick a player from the world cup winner every World Cup and buy their jersey. I think that will be something cool to hand down to Connor (assuming he likes Soccer).
OK, non-soccer fans, it's over, you can come back now. Apparently I named this blog appropriately. Well, let me take a few days, see if I can think of something somewhat interesting, and I'll try to do better next time.
I think you should blog this every time Italy scores tomorrow:
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