Mert's Ramble

This is the site where Mert rambles about anything from work, to family, to martial arts, to cigars. Read, post, enjoy.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Karate Thoughts...

It's nice to be back to almost normal life. I must say I am the most excited to be getting back to my martial arts classes again. Shortly I will do a longer post on which martial art I study, but for now I just want to shoot a quick note on why I'm so happy to be back.

First, it's like having a comfortable place to go, where you know everyone, and you know what you're there for. It is a place for respect, exercise, and in a sense, relaxation. For me, I release a lot of stress while I'm working out and lately that has been very important. I have found a school where I belong, and even now when we're looking at moving closer to work, I will make the drive two or three nights a week to continue studying at Impact Karate.

To Sensei Cooper and Sensei Monteen, thank you!


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