Mert's Ramble

This is the site where Mert rambles about anything from work, to family, to martial arts, to cigars. Read, post, enjoy.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Man, my life really is that boring...

I had no idea until I started doing this blogging stuff just how boring I am. I mean, really, I work, I do school, I smoke cigars and I do karate. My kids are wonderful, but I know enough to know that stories of my kids are seriously going to lose something in the translation to print.

Hmmmm, something not boring...we're getting ready to start building a deck...nope, that's boring.

Let's see...maybe I'll start looking for really deep, meaningful stories to, no.

The World Cup Final is this weekend! We're going to have a party, if you're not into soccer, just skip this paragraph. Italy is playing France...go Italia! I bought a CAO Italia cigar today to smoke after Italy wins on Sunday. I've decided to start a new tradition, I'm going to pick a player from the world cup winner every World Cup and buy their jersey. I think that will be something cool to hand down to Connor (assuming he likes Soccer).

OK, non-soccer fans, it's over, you can come back now. Apparently I named this blog appropriately. Well, let me take a few days, see if I can think of something somewhat interesting, and I'll try to do better next time.